I would not trade
Luca was born on the 8th of May 2012 just shortly before midnight. Today he is 5 years old. The years we have spent together have passed by incredible fast! People say that when it is good it passes by too fast, I can’t disagree. These years were one of the best in my life and definitely the most rewarding years!
First moments of our lives were not the happiest. I knew something was just not right and than I received the diagnosis of PWS. After having googled it, I for sure did not live happy moments in my life, these moments were rather hard, hard but encouraging. When you have a child with PWS you just learn how to stay strong and you just have to fight it. You need to know how to stay calm and what is worth it and what is not. I have just naturally learnt how to live with Luca and than it just went incredibly well.
We have opened a new door to a new world, we met new people who are actually living the same adventure and at the end of the day that is fine. I would not trade. It is actually special, better than normal.
Luca does great, he travels, he speaks languages, he is soft and cruel at the same time, he is stubborn, he is sensitive, and he is a fighter.
He has worked extremely hard for what he has reached today, but the hard work has just became our normal. We need to continue like this and we need to work together hard. We are hoping for the best.
He loves us and we love him. We will fight for him and for the other buddies that are living it with us.